We don't just train real estate investors, we create LegacyBuilders.

FREE 15-Minute Consultation Call

With Us.


Let's discuss your wealth potential and discover how we can build your profitable property portfolio in no time!

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So You Want to Be a...

Real Estate Tycoon? Investor? Agent?

We are here to help you…

START with the first step and finish with an empire!

Real Estate is the TOP investment class of wealthy people in the world. We would know because we have met some and studied their principals. It is also the asset class we choose for our own wealth creation. We are connected globally to over 1000 investors from Australia to the USA. Are you the next in this powerful network?

We don't care if you have never invested, are unsuccessful in your own mind or have no idea on how to get started, we will figure this out at the call.

The reason we are doing this consultation call is because we know how many people like you would like to know more about real estate investing.

We are waiting to give you our most successful real estate investment tips and to find the next big property investor...and guess what?

It could be YOU!

Hit the schedule now and let's get started!

Who are Jennifer and Jan-Marc Pickhan?

Jennifer Pickhan

Jennifer Pickhan is a Serial Entrepreneur, Speaker, TUV Certified Real Estate Appraiser & Financial Planner. She started her Real Estate career at the age of 18 with an internship at one of the top realtors in Europe in Mallorca. When she finished the study in business administration she joined the biggest construction company in the Mannheim area and worked in their Marketing & Sales department.

Eventually she hunted down the possibility to join a start up in the development of shopping centers, where she did all their financial calculation, lease contract negotiations and was responsible for the apprentices.As a Real Estate appraiser she has helped countless people to make the right choice while buying the property they wanted, She made sure that they felt safe and secure with their choice.

2017 she founded LegacyBuilders Global where she works on educating people about real estate and helping them to make their first steps investing in it.

Jan-Marc Pickhan

Jan-Marc Pickhan  is a leadership expert who has 10 years of leadership experience, by his beginning 30s. In his career he has built multiple teams out of suppliers, contractors and staff. He has the experience in building local teams as well as building an international team of experts with team members in Japan, Singapore, Spain, Germany, France, USA and Canada. A true global championship team by a lot of means.

He was part of multiple negotiation teams, which negotiated contracts of a total value of over 100M Euros. For his drive and performance, he was selected to two leadership programs in 2011 and 2016.

Today he loves inspiring and helping others to become great leaders too. He and his team have helped countless partners and clients to achieve their project deadlines and to have "peace of mind" with their choices. In 2017 he founded LegacyBuilders Global with his wife and brings the corporate experience into the company.

LBuilder Global UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Sanddornweg 7 D-69469 Weinheim